The Block

Cheesy Spicy Stuffed Burgers with Bacon and Arugula


Few things in life are as satisfying as a big, juicy, American burger. Burgers are quintessentially American. They go along with American Pie, BBQ and Hot Dogs. Imagine watching “Grease” without the diner scenes where they are chowing down on cheeseburgers and milk shakes. It’s not the same. It’s just the American way to have our burgers as a part of our lives. In fact I don’t know anyone who does not like burgers and frankly I wouldn’t trust anyone who chose to dislike them. It seems unnatural. And I choose not associate with such types.

My husband and I are HUGE fans of burgers. Chicken, turkey, beef or bison we love them all. Nothing beats a fresh burger with gooey cheese and a warm bun. I like mine JUICY!

A few summers ago we invested in our dream grill: A gigantic and powerful Weber monster! It’s glorious, shiny and most importantly heats up in a heartbeat. Perfect for grilling the ultimate burger.  Unfortunately, I live in Chicago. Land of the never-ending, unpredictable weather. On one such a Saturday night, my husband and I were craving burgers. So a few weeks ago when I received my packages from Omaha Steaks, I was pleasantly surprised to find these Omaha Steaks Burgers. My mission was clear: create a gourmet stuffed burger that did the palate proud.

In my opinion, no burger is complete without a little bacon and so I decided to add my perfectly oven roasted bacon to the list of add in’s for this burger. Ultimate Burger Satisfaction!

Cheesy Spicy Stuffed Burgers with Bacon and Arugula

Author: Mila Furman


  • 16 Omaha Steaks Burgers
  • 1/2 cup whipped cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced on microplane
  • 2 Tbsp. chopped chives
  • 8 slices of sharp cheddar
  • 8 Brioche buns
  • 16 thick Cut Slices of Omaha Steaks Smoked Applewood Bacon cooked and crispy
  • 1 cup baby arugula
  • Siracha to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Combine cream cheese, shredded cheddar, garlic, chives and desired amount of siracha.
  • Unwrap the burgers, you will need 2 per burger.
  • Place about 1 T of the filling on top of one burger patty and then place the other patty directly on top. Carefully form the sides of the burger together so that they create one large patty.
  • Sear on a grill or stove top in a thick bottomed pan.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Cook for 7 minutes on one side and then flip to the other side and cook for another 6 minutes.
  • This will give you a nice medium.
  • Add the cheese slices and let it melt for about 30 seconds.
  • Place on top of the bottom portion of the brioche bun, add burger patty, bacon strips and garnish with arugula.
  • Serve immediately and invite guests to cut it down the middle to reveal the gooey cheese.

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