12 Essential Tools for a Great Grill Kit
- by Omaha Steaks
- Last updated Nov 20, 2023
Now that we are in the heart of grilling season, I thought it might be a good idea to talk about grilling tools and equipment. You often hear people say that you need to use the right tool for the job; well the same is true for grilling. Over the years, I have assembled a tool kit for grilling that I feel contains everything I need for successful grilling.
1. A good Grill Brush is one of the most important parts of any kit. Starting with clean grill grates will improve flavor, prevent sticking and help make your grill marks look more uniform.
2. A Charcoal Chimney is mandatory if you use charcoal. It makes it very easy to get the coals going without resorting to using nasty tasting accelerants. Never, never, never use lighter fluid.
3. A Lighter is good to have in any kit. Even if your grill has the automatic igniter I would still keep one handy because the igniters are prone to failing or running out of batteries when you need them most.
4. Spray Oil is the easiest way to lightly oil your food before seasoning and placing it on your preheated grill. There are several brands of spray canola or olive oil you can find at the store. Or if you prefer, you can go to one of the high-end cookware shops and buy a refillable stainless steel pump sprayer.
5. Seasoning is something I would never grill without. I’m partial to our Omaha Steaks branded blends and always keep some in my kit. It is very important to always lightly season your food before placing it on the grill.
6. Tongs are the tool I use the most while grilling. I use them to move food around and turn it over on the grill.
7. A Spatula is what I use to turn over anything that is delicate such as fresh fish or a burger.
8. I always keep a Water Spray Bottle when I am grilling to douse any flare ups so that my food does not burn. I have also been known to use a beer if I forget my spray bottle, but I prefer not to waste beer.
9. Aluminum Foil comes in handy for all kinds of things when you’re grilling. I use it to cover my clean food pans, cover the bottom of my grill and even to tent my steaks while they are resting.
10. I recommend using our free Steak Time App or a ruler and a watch to make sure your steaks are cooked perfectly every time. Sure, there are other ways to tell when a steak is done, but using our proven cooking times based on the thickness of your steak is by far the easiest way.
11. A good Kitchen Thermometer should also be part of your kit. I use it to double check my work and make sure that everything is cooked to the proper temperature. Remember, the only difference between a well done and medium rare steak is cooking temperature, so make sure you own a quality kitchen thermometer!
12. If you’re having a hard time getting your steak done just the way you like, refer to our steak cooking charts and ensure you’re cooking them correctly based on thickness.
Well there you have it, everything that you need to be successful at grilling. Now get back outside and start grilling!